I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know He was born and lived on earth for a season and taught the fulness of His Gospel and truth and completed His beautiful mission through His Atonement, death and Resurrection. I know He continues to live, my witness being my personal relationship with Him as I feel His strength, His love, His guidance each day as I pray, study His scriptures, and just try so hard to be a good mother, wife, person-- the Melinda He wants me to be, that knows that I can be.
I know the fulness of truth He established in the Beginning and during His ministry is restoredon the Earth today. I know Joseph Smith was the instrument, the prophet, Jesus Christ guided constantly and directly to correctly and fully restore His Gospel.
I know Jesus Christ continues to lead His Church, His Work through a prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. With the established doctrines and principles taught in His scriptures and continuing revelation, we are blessed to have available to us all the tools, all the truths, all the commandments, power, ordinances, and counsel to enable us to enjoy deep, abiding, real peace and joy in a crazy world, and a fulness of happiness after this life.
Through personal, frequent, prayerful supplication, I know this to be true as I feel the sweet, burning, joyous confirmation of the Holy Ghost in my heart. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is truly Jesus Christ's Church, the fulness of His Gospel, His Work preparing the Earth-- Heavenly Father's beloved children, you and me, for our Savior's glorious Second Coming.
I know that a personal knowledge of the truth of these things is available to every person who asks God, with sincere desire to know truth from error. I have asked and now I know.
I know Jesus is the Christ and that He loves me-- each of us-- and He lived and died and lives for me--- for each of us. He has restored the fulness ofHis Gospel on the earth today. I am humbled, privileged, and supremely blessed to be a part it.